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Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art

As the capital and largest city of Iran, Tehran is a vibrant and culturally rich destination that offers a wide range of attractions and activities for visitors. One of the city’s top destinations for art lovers is the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, a world-class museum that features a vast collection of modern and contemporary art from Iran and around the...

3 Caravanserai located in Kermanshah province

The peak of the caravanserai period in Iran was the Safavid period when Shah Abbas Safavid decided to build 999 caravanserais in Iran. An exact document as to whether or not 999 caravanserais were built is not available, but what is clear is that 54 of these caravanserais remain in Iran today and of these 54, 3 of them have become the share of Kermanshah province...

Anahita Temple, Kermanshah Province

It is the largest stone building in Iran after Persepolis, which is located in the city of Kangavar in Kermanshah province, on the historic Hegmataneh-Biston-Ctesiphon road. Anahita Temple in Kangavar is the most famous temple of Anahita in Iran. Anahita Temple History of Anahita Temple To the ancient Iranians, Anahita was considered the guardian of water, an angel...

Kermanshah’s Traditional Bazaar

Kermanshah’s traditional bazaar was built about 200 years ago during the reign of Kermanshah’s ruler, Mohammad Ali Mirza Dolatshah who was the first son of Fath Ali Shah Qajar and was seven months older than Abbas Mirza, the Crown prince, but because his mother was not from the Qajar tribe, he could not replace the king. During the economic boom of the...

Iran in 2018. General impressions in Russian language 🇷🇺

Иран. Ниже привожу общие впечатления о стране на русском языке по результатам поездки в Иран в ноябре 2018 года. Люди у нас сложилось мнение, что иранцы – приветливый и доброжелательный народ, рады гостям, всегда с удовольствием постараются объяснить, что могут, в меру своего понимания; говорят преимущественно негромко, мягко и спокойно, без чрезмерной жестикуляции;...

A unforgettable month in the country of hospitality

Most travelers who have been to Iran would say the same. Iran is a country of hospitality. When you travel and visit other countries, you sometimes experience hospitality, not only in Iran but in many other parts of the world. But you can not get this much hospitality in a place, in A country. The amount of hospitality that you get in Iran is seriously blowing your...