Most travelers who have been to Iran would say the same. Iran is a country of hospitality. When you travel and visit other countries, you sometimes experience hospitality, not only in Iran but in many other parts of the world. But you can not get this much hospitality in a place, in A country. The amount of hospitality that you get in Iran is seriously blowing your minds. When we were walking on the street in Kurdistan, tons of people stoped their cars to take us and invite us to their houses. We got constantly invited by locals, so we could not even pitch our tent somewhere as we had intended. We were sleeping in deferent houses with deferent families every single days for a month in Iran.
Also, Hitchhiking through Iran turned out the easiest thing in the world. People wanted to help these two world-travelers who staying next to the highway so much. Iranian people are so warm-hearted. We met so many nice locals who wanted to show us their cities, culture, and cuisine. Even with the language barrier, I could 100% understand them. Real connection doesn’t come form the words.
And then The Persian Art. There is just a simple word to describe the Persian art. Amazing. I simply wanted to take all the things that i had seen there but sadly I couldn’t.
Frankly speaking before going to Iran I had no idea what i would encounter, maybe i was even scared or nervous. But Traveling Iran was the process of destroying all the prejudice that i had been carrying. Thanks god that I had this chance to see Iran.
One more impression of Iran. Iran is rich. Rich not only in culture, but also in resources. Iran has so many natural resources out of the land, which can make living in Iran, somewhat fruitful, even though the current diplomatic situation makes everything a bit unfair. I had never seen that fresh red colored tomatoes. I started enjoying drinking carrot juice in Iran. All the products were made in Iran, and these made-in-Iran products are as good as original from other countries. even the fake Iranian Coca-Cola! When we found out that there is made-in-Iran version of fake Peugeot running in Iran for over a decade, it just wowed us. For me it seemed like Iran has so many more potential power in industry.
Honestly, traveling this beautiful and special country was an honor for us and we think more people should experience the same.
Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing, Iranian landscape never ceases to amaze you.
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