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Viatge a l’Iran

Trencant tòpics Perquè IranCarmeGlobe TrotterSeleGuiaL’antiga PèrsiaAixí es va dir fins al 1935, el dimoni segons els USA, és un país amb molta història, allí van començar algunes de les cultures de la humanitat.Divisió administrativaIran es divideix en 31 províncies.Idiomes que es parlen a IranL’idioma oficial i que el parlen pràcticament el 100 % dels habitants és...

Iran – A different point of veiw

Iran – A different Point of ViewBy Franz Scheurer The first time I went to Iran was to photograph the saffron and barberry harvests and I loved the place so much I went back, and back and back… and I will be going back, again. Iran, portrayed as the baddie by western propaganda is nothing like it’s painted by malice and jealousy. What the west can’t control...

Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, Iran

On the blue, turquoise mosaics of the mosque’s entrance, a poem in Arabic written which means: what do you feel after visiting this mosque, do you feel like a bird in the cage or like a fish in the water, a true believer resembling a fish in the water and a hypocrite look likes a bird in the cage. Before entering the mosque just remind this poem. Jameh Mosque...