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My experience travel to Iran 2018

We were surprised by the country. The people were so friendly and hospitable. I don’t think I’ve felt so safe on the street in any country, especially in the Middle East. The only time we were approached by a man was because he wanted to check whether we wanted a taxi. The food is tasty and you don’t have to pay attention to where you eat. I...

Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, Iran

On the blue, turquoise mosaics of the mosque’s entrance, a poem in Arabic written which means: what do you feel after visiting this mosque, do you feel like a bird in the cage or like a fish in the water, a true believer resembling a fish in the water and a hypocrite look likes a bird in the cage. Before entering the mosque just remind this poem. Jameh Mosque...

Reizen Naar Iran

5 redenen waarom je Iran zou moeten bezoeken! 🇳🇱

Hoi! Na 2 weken in Iran doorgebracht te hebben, heb ik 5 redenen genoemd waarom je zeker naar Iran zou moeten gaan. 1) Iraniërs zijn erg gastvrije mensen Vraag het maar aan iedereen die in Iran is geweest, je krijgt waarschijnlijk hetzelfde antwoord: “Iraniërs zijn overweldigend vriendelijk.” Helaas zijn er nog steeds veel westerse mensen die de bevolking...

Sadol Saltaneh Complex

Sadol Saltaneh Complex, Qazvin, Iran

At the end of the Qajar period, in the center of Qazvin city. The complex was built by the order of Sadol Saltaneh Isfahani the governor, and this place is named after him. This complex is a part of Qazvin’s Bazaar so it’s also called Sa-Ra-ye Saltaneh too. In these periods Qazvin was an important city for all traders around Iran and World, this complex was a luxury...