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Viatge a l’Iran

Trencant tòpics Perquè IranCarmeGlobe TrotterSeleGuiaL’antiga PèrsiaAixí es va dir fins al 1935, el dimoni segons els USA, és un país amb molta història, allí van començar algunes de les cultures de la humanitat.Divisió administrativaIran es divideix en 31 províncies.Idiomes que es parlen a IranL’idioma oficial i que el parlen pràcticament el 100 % dels habitants és...

Iran – A different point of veiw

Iran – A different Point of ViewBy Franz Scheurer The first time I went to Iran was to photograph the saffron and barberry harvests and I loved the place so much I went back, and back and back… and I will be going back, again. Iran, portrayed as the baddie by western propaganda is nothing like it’s painted by malice and jealousy. What the west can’t control...

Travelling in Iran in 2018

We were two elderly women travelling alone. We had been with a larger group of friends on the Silk Road but parted company with most in Turkmenistan and crossed the border. We were a little apprehensive but by the time we had settled into Mashhad we realised that we need not be nervous. We had booked our hotels independently and were met everywhere with unfailing...

Iran, what an experience 🇦🇺

The first time I was in Iran I fell in love with this country. So I had to return in 2020. Due to the current political situation and the resulting economical restrictions this country has gained a sinister reputation. When telling my friends my plans to visit Iran, they all expressed their worries: terrorism, thieves, burglary, women suppression. But I did not let...

Iran in 2018. General impressions in Russian language 🇷🇺

Иран. Ниже привожу общие впечатления о стране на русском языке по результатам поездки в Иран в ноябре 2018 года. Люди у нас сложилось мнение, что иранцы – приветливый и доброжелательный народ, рады гостям, всегда с удовольствием постараются объяснить, что могут, в меру своего понимания; говорят преимущественно негромко, мягко и спокойно, без чрезмерной жестикуляции;...

Dignity & elegance 🇫🇷

Though I faced big problems and unacceptable behavior from the HOTEL.INFO travel agency (which fortunately have been solved thanks to the help of some of the APOCHI employees), I keep a very good memory of my travel in Iran and, most of all, of the Iranian people I had the opportunity to meet. Though most of those people were living in difficult conditions, they...

Marvellous people

After visiting over 60 countries on the globe, I can say with certsintkt that in Iran I met the nicest people there is. Arriving in Tehran as a tall brown tattooed with no beard guy, I was a little apprehensive. But everywhere I went I was greeted with enthusiasm and warmth. I was in Tehran for business; had a few meetings lined up per day. On day 2, the cab ...

Unos de los países más sorprendentes que he visitado 🇪🇸

Para una amante de los viajes, tener a un país como Irán tan cerca es muy tentador. Yo vivía en Emiratos Árabes Unidos, a tan solo un par de horas de éste gran país, sin embargo, por alguna razón u otra siempre terminaba postergando mi visita. Finalmente, en 2016, se dieron las condiciones para cruzar el mar del golfo. Era finales de agosto y había un fin de semana...