It all began one year ago when, as a result of a series of casualties, I met my Iranian boyfriend. We end up working together in a cosmetic shop in Rome by the summer of...

It all began one year ago when, as a result of a series of casualties, I met my Iranian boyfriend. We end up working together in a cosmetic shop in Rome by the summer of...
23 days in Iran full of unforgettable memories for us. We traveled from Tehran to Rasht, Masuleh, Tabriz, Sanandaj, Kamyaran, Palangan Village, Kermanshah, Isfahan...
Queridos amigos: Estuve en Iran en 2015. Guardo un recuerdo imborrable de aquel gran viaje. VisitĂ© ciudades magnĂficas (Shiraz, Yazd, Isfahan, Kashan, Tehran…)...
Iran is an amazing country. Not only its natural beauty will inspire you, but also the kindness and hospitality of its people. Take the time to get lost in the streets...
Atigh Congregational mosque, this 9th-century mosque is the oldest mosque in Shiraz which is also known as Adineh mosque the Persian word for Friday. It’s located in the...